RunClean is a descaler unlike any on the market. We needed a solution to clogs and scaling that actually worked. There were many products with claims but everyone still had clogs and buildup in their reservoirs caused by scale. Runclean checks all the boxes. Use it to keep your reservoirs, drip lines, pumps, emitters, sprayers, pots, and tables free from scale and clogs. RunClean is also used to soak parts and equipment that has buildup. RunClean increases mineral availability by dissolving carbonates.
RunClean is not hypochlorous acid and does not increase ORP. Hypochlorous Acid is not an effective descaler. HOCL is used to increase ORP. Increasing ORP is used to keep systems sterile and prevent or eliminate biofilm.
Scale is caused by nutrient solution clinging to the walls of irrigation systems, reservoirs, etc and forming a solid. Scale has nothing to do with nutrient solubility and is seen most often in parts of irrigation systems that go dry regularly, like the reservoir and emitters. The white "crust" you see on pots and tables is scale. When pieces of scale break off and flow through an irrigation system, it causes clogs.