Filters up to 150 GPD (gallons per day) of ultra-pure, low PPM water. Reduces 98% of PPM of total dissolved solids. Replace when product water flow rate decreases and or when PPM increase. Discard all water to drain for 1 hour prior to use. Stealth-RO150 uses one membrane/Stealth-RO300 uses two membranes.
IMPORTANT: Using non-original filters or membranes will VOID warranty.
96% – 99% PPM Rejection.
Membrane type : Thin film composite
Maximum operating temperature: 113°F (45°C)
Maximum operating pressure: 100 PSI
Maximum feed flow rate: 2 GPM
Maximum feed water turbidity: 1 NTU
Maximum feed sit density index (SDI): 5 SDI
Chlorine tolerance: <0 PPM)
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